RFP#16/2021 - Monitoring and Support Services for a new WHO Building Redevelopment Project (under construction) in New Delhi 征求建议书

Reference: SEARO/DAF/PCS/P/0006032
Beneficiary countries: 印度
Published on: 2021-十一月-24
Deadline on: 2021-十二月-06 23:00 (格林威治标准时间 5.30) 孟买、加尔各答、马德拉斯、新德里

Invitation to submit a proposal for 'Monitoring and Support Services for a new WHO Building Redevelopment Project (under construction) in New Delhi, reference requirements as provided in the attached RFP. Bids must be submitted only via e-tendering portal. Kindly use the relevant attachments (Appendix 1 and 2) for submission of Technical and Financial Proposals.
